‘Silent crash’ as price floors collapse across NFT space

[ad_1] If prices plummet in an illiquid market, how soon before anyone notices? While fungible tokens traded on centralized and decentralized exchanges have significant transparency regarding price movements, nonfungible tokens can be harder to track. Because of their illiquid nature, gauging the sentiment of the overall market market for a project can be difficult — … Read more

Blockchain-based renewable energy marketplaces gain traction in 2021

[ad_1] Concerns about energy production, resource consumption and its impact on the environment are one of the dominant topics of debate on the global stage. The intensive energy costs of mining Bitcoin and other proof-of-work cryptocurrencies are also frequently pointed to as a serious downside to the emerging asset class.  While environmental concerns and the … Read more

How Chainlink will help secure Polkadot’s environment

[ad_1] Polkadot has integrated with Chainlink to incorporate its oracle service into its multi-chain environment. Thus, the different teams building on Polkadot will be able to count on a “flexible and reliable” solution to feed parachains with information. Chainlink Price Feeds have been enabled as a Substrate Oracle pallet and can be accessed by any … Read more

Half a billion people just had their Facebook data leaked

[ad_1] According to a security analyst, sensitive personal information for over half a billion Facebook users was leaked on a well-trafficked hacking forum earlier today — a potential risk to millions of cryptocurrency traders and hodlers who now may be vulnerable to sim swapping and other identity-based attacks.  The trove of information was first discovered … Read more

How Aave’s integration with Polygon will maximize users’ profits

[ad_1] Aave has announced integration with Ethereum’s sidechain Polygon. Aiming to provide alternatives for DeFi applications to be used by everyone, the implementation will allow users to leverage “nearly-free” transactions. With a “nascent ecosystem” composed of protocol such as Quickswap and Aavegotchi, Polygon is connected to Chainlink oracle service. Therefore, the information that will feed … Read more