Bitcoin Mining’s Boon for Small Town America

Bitcoin Mining’s Boon for Small Town America

[ad_1] Bitcoin mining is interesting because there might not be that many jobs per bitcoin mine. But you create a lot of external jobs around that. In the film, you’ll see there’s tons of people who work in contracting and are in and out of the facility, truck drivers, repair technicians, people pouring concrete, security … Read more

Must Bitcoin ‘Drop Ideals’ of Decentralization to Achieve Mass Adoption?

Must Bitcoin ‘Drop Ideals’ of Decentralization to Achieve Mass Adoption?

[ad_1] “It used to be like no debates around the fact that that’s not your keys, not your coins. I’m seeing erosion in that term,” Raw said. “If you ask people today, what ‘Uncle Jim’ means, it’s the guy who custodies bitcoin on behalf of the family unit. You see the difference between those two … Read more

Is Toxic Bitcoin Maximalism Getting Less Toxic?

Is Toxic Bitcoin Maximalism Getting Less Toxic?

[ad_1] To find where you stand on the spectrum, ask yourself whether Bitcoin is just and only “savings technology,” a hard money solution to ever-inflating fiat currency? Or, is it also a platform to build fun or useful applications? For years, Bitcoin culture had been dominated by the former, in part because there wasn’t much … Read more

‘Greater Fools Are Watching’: Bitcoin Is Here to Stay, Elites Admit

‘Greater Fools Are Watching’: Bitcoin Is Here to Stay, Elites Admit

[ad_1] The Financial Times, perhaps THE arch-critic of cryptocurrencies over the past decade, has conceded that Bitcoin might just have a purpose. It’s just the latest data point that there is a great shift happening in how people view crypto, from ex-President Donald Trump to Larry Fink. They may not fully grasp what’s going on … Read more

Robert Alice Made NFT History, Now He’s Writing About It

Robert Alice Made NFT History, Now He’s Writing About It

[ad_1] A part of the project SOURCE [On NFTs] is about looking at ideas of truth through history, specifically in terms of the NFT space. It really is a project that was influenced by the making of this book. We trained an algorithm on a tower of key texts, historical texts — everything from fourth … Read more