Coinbase Seeks to Take Core Question in U.S. SEC Case to Higher Court

Coinbase Seeks to Take Core Question in U.S. SEC Case to Higher Court

[ad_1] Investment contracts are securities regulated by the SEC, so if a crypto transaction qualifies, it belongs in the agency’s jurisdiction and should be properly registered under the law. The regulator has argued before lawmakers and courts that the vast majority of digital assets are securities, but Coinbase and others from the industry contend that … Read more

U.S. SEC Asking for More Millions, Dozens of Lawyers to Beef Up Crypto Oversight

U.S. SEC Asking for More Millions, Dozens of Lawyers to Beef Up Crypto Oversight

[ad_1] Executive branch budget proposals are gathered into a single push from the White House for its spending priorities, with more detail about how exactly the agencies want to spend the funds they’re requesting. Then Congress gets its turn, sometimes embracing some of the president’s wishes, and sometimes ignoring them. But even when lawmakers put … Read more

Coinbase and SEC Dig in With U.S. Judge on Whether Securities Law Applies to Listings

Coinbase and SEC Dig in With U.S. Judge on Whether Securities Law Applies to Listings

[ad_1] “This is a fairly extreme case of a regulator wanting to have its cake and eat it too,” Dave Rodman, founder and managing partner at Rodman Law Group, told CoinDesk. “After all, the SEC deemed Coinbase sound enough to list on a US stock exchange, and it appears that it is backpedaling.” [ad_2] Source … Read more