Crypto Needs Cohesive Regulation – A Look at Europe’s MiCA

Crypto Needs Cohesive Regulation – A Look at Europe’s MiCA

[ad_1] Utility token refers to crypto-assets that are only intended to provide access to a good or a service supplied by its issuer. NOTE! Outside the scope of MiCA are: DeFI protocols, pure NFTs, CBDCs, security tokens or other crypto-assets that qualify as financial instruments according to MiFID II. Licensing. MiCA introduces licensing requirements for … Read more

Regulatory Victory: Gemini Receives Digital Asset Service Provider Registration In France

Regulatory Victory: Gemini Receives Digital Asset Service Provider Registration In France

[ad_1] Cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, founded by the Winklevoss twins, has been granted crypto registration by the French markets watchdog Autorite des marches financiers (AMF).  According to a recent announcement made by the exchange, this approval allows Gemini to offer its services as a virtual asset services provider in France. The company plans to roll out … Read more